Lupeikis Kestutis (R.I.P.)

LupeikisSFERA 2009 psl Sphere, 2009

LupeikisPROKURATURA 2004_2008_psl Prosecutor’s Office, 2004-2008

LupeikisTABLES~4 Table Symphony, 2012

LupeikisKALNAS 2008 copyMountain, 2008

LupeikisLupeikisBALTAS 2005 copy White, 2005

LupeikisHIPERKUBAS 2004_5 copy

Hypercube, 2004

LupeikisPAVEIKSLAS 2002_2 copy

Painting, 2002

LupeikisSUVIRINTOJO SAPNAS 2000 Welder’s Dream, 2000

LupeikisZINGSNIAI 1999

Footsteps, 1999


Mummification, 1996

LupeikisDUGNAS 1993

 Bottom, 1993

Selected Exhibitions

Solo Shows

2005 – Paintings, Akademija gallery, Vilnius

1996 – Dreigiebelhaus, Duisburg, Germany

1992 – Juoda–balta (Black–White), Arka gallery, Vilnius

Group Shows

2011 – 54th Venice Biennial, Lithuanian pavillion, A project by Darius Mikšys Behind the White Curtain

2011 – 20 metų (20 Years), Retrospective exhibition of group Angis, Titanikas gallery, Vilnius Academy of Arts, Vilnius; Picture Gallery, Kaunas

2005 – Stichijos / Vanduo (Elements / Water), curator and participant, Antanas Montis House-Museum, Palanga, Lithuania

2004 – (No)Leader, Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius

1999 – Sound + Image lab, Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius

1998 – Liberated Things, Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius

1997 – Setting Sail, Trieste, Italy

1996, 1997, 1998 – Große Kunstausstellung NRW, Düsseldorf, Germany

1996 – Nereikalingi (Unwanted), curator and participant, Picture gallery, Kaunas

1994 – Group Exhibition, Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius

1993, 1994, 1996 – Angis group, Picture gallery, Kaunas; Lietuvos aidas gallery, Vilnius; Picture gallery, Mykolas Žilinskas art gallery, Kaunas

1987, 1988 – National Fine Arts Exhibition, Fine Arts Exhibition House, Vilnius

1986 – Aktas (Nude), Artists House, Vilnius

…there was a time I found it beautiful to watch the paint running, and I still do,

there was a time I found it beautiful to watch the sun rising, and I still do;

there was a time I found it beautiful to wait for the darkness coming, and I still do;

there was a time I found it beautiful to listen to how everything falls silent, and I still do…

Kęstutis Lupeikis, from „ANGIS“ catalogue, 2010

Art critic on…

Kęstutis Lupeikis joined the artist group Angis at the time of Rimvydas Jankauskas-Kampas’ death, so his debut was sort of unremarked. Later yet the artist much strengthened the more reasoned part of the group’s artists . He disequilibrated the group’s forces. His conceptualism and minimalism, his artistic attitude, hallucinogenic, though not detached from reality, opposed against romantic Angis’ artists, preventing them from dreams about themselves. The maturity of artistic development, this was his contribution.

 Jonas Gasiūnas, from „ANGIS“ catalogue, 2001

Keywords of creative practice

minimalism, silence, simplicity, purity, conceptualism

Artists I admire

Herzog + de Meuron, Richard Serra, John Pawson, Damien Hirst, M.K.Čiurlionis, Jonas Gasiūnas, Ričardas Nemeikšis, Mindaugas Navakas, Jurga Barilaitė

Curriculum Vitae