Opening at VU Planetarium July 22nd, 6 p.m.
Exhibition can be visited from 12 until 18 during working days in exhibition space at planetarium between July 22nd – August 31st.
The exhibition “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”, which name we borrow from the Douglas Adams book, is the allusion to the fact that everything is actually a bit different than it seems. We would like to expand the viewers understanding of art with our exhibited works and we are giving a small guide to it by attending the exhibition spaces.
Participants: Jonas Aničas, Gytis Aštrauskas, Algimantas Černiauskas, Kęstutis Dovydaitis, Indrė Ercmonaitė, member of LTMKS Joana Kairienė, Kerli Kurikka, Kristina Kurilionok, Nicolas Lafay, member of LTMKS Simonas Nekrošius, Simona Žilėnaitė.
Tags: Algimantas Černiauskas, exhibition, Gytis Aštrauskas, Indrė Ercmonaitė, Jaunieji menininkai, Joana Kairienė, Jonas Aničas, Kerli Kurikka, Kęstutis Dovydaitis, Kristina Kurilionok, Nicolas Lafay, paroda, Simona Žilėnaitė, Simonas Nekrošius, VU planetariumas, Young artists