Open Call for Exhibitions/Events at “Sodų 4”


Lithuanian Interdisciplinary Artists’ Association is accepting proposals from artists and curators to be included in the programme of project space “Sodų 4” in 2017-2018. With up to 12 exhibitions per year we are presenting local as well as international artists. Priority will be given to collaborative projects.

The selection will be done by the board/curators from Lithuanian Interdisciplinary Artists’ Association: Jurga Barilaitė, Jurij Dobriakov, Rokas Dovydėnas, Danutė Gambickaitė, Mindaugas Gapševičius, Vytautas Michelkevičius, Lina Rukevičiūtė, Tadas Šarūnas.

Please email your proposals including the concept and examples of work to by 03 October 2016.