How to simulate a state of disorientation, the one which sometimes occurs when I wake up not recognising where I am? Such anxious staring at the surroundings with the despair to remember could be called an authentic experience of that place. It lasts just for a few moments, but it is real because coordinate systems aren’t functioning at that moment – this is when specificity of a place is experienced. This quest for a specificity of a place relates to phenomenology of transitional and liminal states.
Archaic ritual recreates experience of perinatal state. But the transitional state, which is at the core of a ritual, is also possible outside of the ritual, when the relation between the ritual and its surroundings is ambiguous, when the ritual itself is in a transitional state. Such obscurity, misunderstanding, a glitch of identification, when the connection between the artefact and its context is contradictory, allows an encounter of a new state – a transitional state of meaning.
Saulius Leonavičius (b. 1977, living and working in Vilnius, Lithuania) is currently studying Art PhD at Vilnius Academy of Arts. His research is based on liminal experiences, psychedelic aesthetics, pharmakon theme and how these could be actualised through art and design. In his practice it is important to maintain a critical relation with art institution and ideology of an art work. To achieve this, Leonavičius is using strategies such as appropriation, intervention, critical design.
Opening reception 2017/10/18, 6 pm
Exhibition open 2017/10/19–27
Wednesday to Sunday 3–7 pm or by appointment, tel. +37062689230
The event is organised by Lithuanian Interdisciplinary Artists’ Association with kind support of
Lithuanian Council for Culture and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania, and bar “Dėvėti”.
Project space “Sodų 4”
Sodų Str. 4, Vilnius