
On 5-8 October 2023, the Trans Europe Halles (TEH) international network is holding a conference called ‘Reboot’ in Tbilisi, Georgia, hosted by the cultural organisation ‘Fabrika Tbilisi’, and the team of the cultural centre SODAS 2123 will be participating in the conference.

After the turbulent years on political, economic, ecological, and social fronts it is essential to take a pause, gather together, and engage in introspection and collective dialogue on how cultural organisations can reboot. Fabrika Tbilisi will host TEH Camp Meeting 96, focusing on the theme ‘Reboot’. Participants will be able to explore a diverse array of workshops covering topics like ‘Go Green’ initiatives, reflections on colonial heritage, rejuvenating rural communities, embracing diversity and mental health, social responsibilities, discussions about TEH matters and more. Fabrika Tbilisi will also invite to thematic tours – art and politics, post-Soviet architecture, vertical curves – as well as introduce the ecosystem of South Caucasus art spaces.

Fabrika Tbilisi is a former Soviet sewing factory transformed into a cultural center uniting artist studios and workshop spaces, educational institutions, co-working spaces, hostel, cafes and bars and a big courtyard for gatherings. Fabrika easily became the main destination for both local and international communities of different cultural industries. More about the organiser

Trans Europe Halles is one of the oldest and most dynamic cultural networks in Europe. They have been at the forefront of repurposing abandoned buildings for arts, culture and activism since 1983. Based in Sweden the network now has 140 members in 40 different countries across Europe – from Spain to Georgia. The three founding pillars of the network are People, Arts and Buildings. People are at the heart of the network. People are both the driving force of cultural centres and their primary focus. TEH works hard for the benefit of its communities. Its ultimate goal is to build a society where all people can thrive. Buildings are the micro-universes. Centres transform abandoned buildings with creativity and imagination into places where anything can happen. They use arts and culture to create spaces where people can have fun, feel empowered and get inspired. TEH and its members believe in the power of arts and culture to change the world for the better. The centres use art to transform the reality around us and the perception of this reality.

More about TEH network

SODAS 2123 participation in the network meeting project is supported by the Lithuanian Council for Culture.