LIAA presents two new publications by Laura Garbštienė and Milda Laužikaitė from the series “One Idea“


Lithuanian Interdisciplinary Artists’ Association (LIAA) ends the year with an introduction of two new publications from the series of small-format publications “One idea”. This time these are collections of images and texts by two contemporary artists – Laura Garbštienė and Milda Laužikaitė. The presentation of the publications will take place on 26 January 2023 at the cultural complex SODAS 2123, during the OPEN SODAS event. 

It is no coincidence that these two authors’ books appear together. They are linked by their places of residence and their ideological neighbourhood. Both authors live in Dzūkija villages a few kilometres away, surrounded by nature, and collaborate in the development of creative and community initiatives of various formats.

The main idea and principle of the “One idea” series – one notebook, one artist, one idea that can manifest itself in different forms each time: as notes of ideas, fragments of thoughts, various forms of self-reflection, pulled out from long-forgotten drawers, computer hard drives or right out of artists’ heads.

Laura Garbštienė’s book “I’m abark beetle” reflects the latest themes developed by the artist, presented at this year’s solo exhibition of the same name at the Marcinkonys Train Station. The fragments of images and diary texts on the pages of the booklet convey the cyclical flow of nature’s change and testify to the possibility of interspecies solidarity and cooperation.

The images and thoughts in Milda Laužikaitė’s book “Daydreaming” appeared to the author through dreams and daydreams. The light-as-air images, which the artist used to casually jot down between her notes, intertwine in these pages into an imaginary script for a film starring plants. The fragments of plant life and whispered conversations, which the artist layers by disrupting the classical structure of the script and changing it radically according to the plant’s “perception”, also echo the empathic relationships between humans and non-humans in a unique way.

The presentation of the publications will take place on 26 January 2023 at the cultural complex SODAS 2123, during the OPEN SODAS event.

The publications are available via
Publisher: Lithuanian Interdisciplinary Artists’ Association
Editor: Jolanta Marcišauskytė-Jurašienė
Authors: Laura Garbštienė and Milda Laužikaitė
Printed by Ariel Ink

Activities of LIAA are funded by Lithuanian Council for Culture and Vilnius City Municipality.
Main information partner – 15min.