From July 27th 2015 a creative laboratory titled Corpus Ludus Militaris (CLM) will gather students from Vilnius Academy of Arts, Kaunas University of Technology, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and Academy of Media Arts Cologne in Panemunė Castle, Lithuania. Corpus Ludus Militaris is envisioned as a progressive chain of educative, creative and contemplative events within the framework of Migrating Art Academies, spanning two weeks and culminating into the public presentations of completed artistic and investigative projects underlined by informal exchange of ideas gracefully orchestrated by the panel of invited speakers.
Thematic auspices of CLM are to be resonative rather than normative, encouraging to deliberate and to speculate—if preferred so—issues broadly associated with but not immediately prescribed by the theme. Tools employed could range from phenomenal, to analytical, metaphysical, historical or aesthetic, leaving doors open to variety of experimental articulations. However, to have a game we have to share a field—and our field shall be demarcated by vestiges of organizational semantics of corporal narrative. Salient metaphor of the marching troops aside, common strategies of social organization of individual are primarily aimed at organizing normalcy as such—in all its shades of gray—from waking up to an alarm clock to reading of a goodnight story, among other countless trivial manifestations. CLM aims to trace evolutionary tendencies from no one to one, from ideologic subject (citizen) to economic subject (consumer), from a static born into to a dynamic became into subject, progressed on a potholed field of chronic “corporal problematic” which manifests itself as a peculiar if not bipolar coexistence between noble tenets of Geneva Conventions on one hand and political utilitarism bluntly summarized by generalissimus Stalin as “nyet cheloveka nyet problemy” (if man vanishes, so does the problem), on the other.
Led by Žilvinas Lilas (DE), Mindaugas Gapševičius (LT/DE) and Armantas Ostreika (LT) the series of events will include public lectures, workshops, expeditions, collaborative intensive work focusing on theoretical and practical production with interdisciplinary as well as critical approach. It is expected that the invited group of participants and tutors from wide array of specialist knowledge (ranging from art to computer technologies) will open up the space for unexpected collaborations.
This Migrating Art Academies event in Panemunė is organized by Kaunas University of Technology and Vilnius Academy of Arts, and is supported by Lithuanian Council For Culture and Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania.
Public programme:
Tuesday 28 July
14:00 Mindaugas Gapševičius workshop : “human-non-human-games”
Wednesday 29 July
10:00 Practice presentations: Žilvinas Lilas, Mindaugas Gapševičius
14:00 R. Maskeliūnas, Armantas Ostreika workshop „Visualization and Game Development in Unity 3D“
Friday 31 July
10:00 Rytis Maskeliūnas, Armantas Ostreika „Visualization and Game Development in Unity 3D“ part II
Wednesday 05 August
18:00 Exhibition opening and public presentation
Thursday 06 August
10:00 Conference with Bernhard Hopfengaertner (DE) and Marian Kaiser (DE), Alvydas Lukys (LT), Zilvinas Lilas
All events will take place in Panemunė Castle
Address: Vytėnų g. 53
LT-74464 Pilies k.
Jurbarko r.
More information: www.migaa.eu