
CYBER-ATHLETE. One Video Piece Exhibition by Vitalij Červiakov and Danutė Gambickaitė

Film “Cyber-Athlete“ reconsiders the concepts of cyber-athletics and e-sports. How is computer game culture and virtuality altering human body? What are the new features of a (cyber) athletic body? How are they developed? How are they influencing the notion of athletic body and sex. Where else could such cyber-athletic body be used? And, finally, how do our bodies and consciousness manage to synchronise with computer game technology?


A Situation Which Resists Completion



How is it that the present fails to keep up with the presence of the past, not perceiving its living. In such moments, where our perception is clouded by dullness, a ghost of the past appears in disguise, thereby inducing a misreading of a situation at hand. It is in this manner that the future shies away from happening. The frustration lies at a miscarriage of the past. This <<historical miscarriage>> turns into a vehicle for the demolishment of a possible authentic history. Thus, giving birth to newly misshapen forms of an invisible history, which in parallel, runs the risk of appearing as a crooked present ‘reality.’ 



Installation Waterproof Heart by artist Ignas Pavliukevičius at Atletika

From mid November installation Waterproof Heart by artist Ignas Pavliukevičius will be on view at Atletika Gallery (Vitebsko 21, Vilnius). This work was recently presented at independent contemporary art fair The Others in Turin. [:en]


Atletika Gallery will present work by Ignas Pavliukevičius at The Others independent art fair in Turin



31 October – 3 November ninth edition of contemporary art fair The Others will take place in Turin, where Atletika Gallery will present an installation Waterproof Heart by artist Ignas Pavliukevičius.



Laura Garbštienė. Knife-blades slowly synchronising

Ši paroda yra apie perteklių ir mastelį. Apie tai, kiek iš tikrųjų žmogui reikia. Aplinka mus išmoko vartoti, bet jeigu daiktus reikėtų pasidaryti pačiam, viskas būtų suvokiama visai kitais laiko, darbo masteliais. Parodoje pristatoma naujausia menininkės Lauros Garbštienės instaliacija, kurioje svarstoma apie ekologijos, vartotojiškumo ir mūsų kiekvieno vaidmenį sprendžiant šias dabarties pasaulyje itin aktualias temas ir problemas. Parodoje esantys objektai ir instaliacija yra nedideli ir iš pirmo žvilgsnio nežymūs. Bet galbūt toks ir yra tikrasis mūsų poreikis, kurio mes nesuvokiame kai aplink mus yra daiktų perteklius. 


Open Call for Exhibition and Project Proposals for Atletika 2020 Programme

New art space in Vilnius – Atletika Gallery – is open to exhibition and project ideas from artists and curators for 2020 and beyond. Please email your proposals including examples of work in a single pdf file by 25 September 2019.

“Atletika” is a new contemporary art space at the newly opening cultural centre Sodas 2123. It presents emerging and acclaimed artists from Lithuania and abroad. Its exhibition programme is open to experimentation, exploration of new processes in art and ideas of various directions.

Photo: Gintarė Grigėnaitė



TT Group Exhibition

“TT” is one of the exhibitions of Vilnius Gallery Weekend, organised on the occasion of the opening of new contemporary art space “Atletika”. This new art gallery will be located in the cultural centre “SODAS 2123” (Vitebsko Str. 21 and 23, Vilnius), to be opened in spring 2020. Vilnius Gallery Weekend, organised by Lithuanian Interdisciplinary Artists Association for the forth year in a row, will take place between 5 and 8 September 2019. The opening of the exhibition “Répercussion” will invite everyone to join on Friday 6 September.

What is darkness and “underground” (in the broad sense) in phenomena such as “fake news”, mystification, anxiety, “dark side”, conspiracy theories, black humor, tricksterism. The viewer is encouraged to try to grasp or imagine the core of darkness. But all these topics are perceived without didactics and preaching, and as inevitable reflections of the phenomena and problems of the present world. Critical approach is important here, but not essential, so we suggest to forget everything you were expecting. 

TT has multiple meanings. It is a crying emoticon (vertical dashes for tears and horizontal for eyes) and an abbreviation for trending topic. TT is the most popular song of the most popular KPOP girl band “Twice” of South Korea. The song is especially loved by meme makers of internet forums. Looking from further away TT is similar to Pi (the infinite number). TT is two unfinished crosses. TT is an abbreviation in Tartar language. And so on.

“Atletika” is a new contemporary art space at the cultural centre “SODAS 2123”.The gallery presents emerging and acclaimed artists from Lithuania and abroad. Its exhibition programme is open to experimentation, exploration of new processes in art and ideas of various directions.

Cultural centre “SODAS 2123” is a self-governed community based space, which unites tens of creators and researchers of different fields, with practices based on experimentation, developing of unexpected formats and responding to the latest cultural, social, geopolitical, ecological issues. “SODAS 2123” will provide workshops and equipment for a variety of art disciplines, and each resident of the complex will be open for sharing, learning and craftsmanship. “SODAS 2123” is operated by Lithuanian Interdisciplinary Artists’ Association.

Participants: Tomas Daukša, Justė Venclovaitė, Robertas Narkus, Aistė Viršulytė, Rokas Dovydėnas, Vitalij Červiakov, Rūtenė Merkliopaitė, Adomas Danusevičius, Darius Žiūraand others

Curator: Danutė Gambickaitė

Designer: Laura Grigaliūnaitė


19:00 exhibition opening at “Atletika” gallery (Vitebsko 21, Vilnius), 

20:00 sound programme (TBA)

Exhibition opening times

07/09/2019 14:00-20:00

08/09/2019 17:00-19:00

11-28/09/2019 Tuesdays to Fridays 14:00-19:00

Organised by Lithuanian Interdisciplinary Artists’ Association.

Partly supported by Lithuanian Council for Culture.

