Every name is a form, and every form can do much more than the name allows it to. A guest’s feet leaves a
unique word that no one will wash away from the carpet. The dance of a key and a lock is very short, but in this
way they share secrets about which the pianos whisper in the evenings."
(M. Kalinauskaitė)
For the second time, Vilnius Gallery Weekend’s satellite exhibition “DEPAS / DEPOT” invites you to visit the XIXth
century locomotive repair department as well as a suite – formerly tsar’s appartment – on the 2nd floor of Lentvaris railway
station. On the 8th and 9th of September six artists will be presenting works that were created or adapted particularly for
these places.
Vilnius Gallery Weekend launches a new contemporary art exhibition season in the
capital city this fall. The events – new exhibitions openings, meetings with artists,
concerts and discussions – will be happening around town as well as on its outskirts
from the 6 th to the 9 th of September in overall 27 different galleries and other artistic